
Story rough

Story summary synopsis:
state of the world:[setting] earth and moon colonies
china and india are main countires...they first to colonize moon
character who works for advanced materials company transport materials from earth to the moon for new colonies...100%eco materials as other materials are not allowed in the colonies being about saving resources and not generating waste
vehicles are used to transport these loads between the sites..
scouts and maintenence vehicles also escort the transports

scenes: interior of domain
establishing shot
interior of moon colony
exterior of moon colony
transport in space
transport at moon station
transport at manufacturing plant
scouts flying by

space pirates want to steal the materials as they are being transported and sell them to other countries...sold digitally thru illegal black network markets...black market ebay nukes.

characters: Xom thomas li..chinese educated , new yuppie, piad big bucks by brand company as a remote operator of escort scouts...also has to learn military tactics...fights the pirates..unlikely hero..

sarah j- indian born pirate agent...specialty is recon..educated but wishing for a more interesting life of space travel became a pirate..since shes coldnt get into space program at her age...spaccec pirate ..also she political views and sees the abuse of power from india on other nations

US has become second world country behind in technology and resources, has to import almost all eco materials, and behnd in science and technology, also learning networks are not as well developed..public education is still antiquated ..vs china india first years of grade school are lessons on how to learn efficiency and quickly...

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